Welcome to our comprehensive guide on "What are Nootropics?" At Novum Cognitive Enhancers, we delve into the fascinating world of cognitive enhancement and provide insights into the benefits of incorporating nootropics into your daily routine.
Nootropics encompass a diverse range of natural and synthetic compounds, each with unique mechanisms of action. They work by influencing neurotransmitters, hormones, and other essential chemicals in the brain, ultimately enhancing cognitive functions such as mental clarity, short and long term memory, mood, as well as physical performance perfect for those active and fit. For those dealing with common challenges such as caffeine withdrawal, we explore alternatives like Alpha GPC, a nootropic known for supporting cognitive function without the drawbacks of low energy and brain fog symptoms associated with caffeine withdrawal, making it a perfect alternative for active and fit individuals trying to leave traditional stimulants behind.
Nootropics, often referred to as "smart drugs" or "cognitive enhancers," are substances that have gained popularity for their potential to enhance cognitive functions and support overall brain health. The term "nootropic" was coined by Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, who established a set of criteria to define these compounds. According to Giurgea's definition, a substance must meet the following criteria to be considered a nootropic: